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Teran Electric  

1800 Preston on the Lake Blvd, TRLR 431 - Little Elm, TX 75068
Electrical Contractors, commercial, residential, new lease spaces, fast food restaurants, stores, houses, small offices, walking cooler and walking freezers, warehouses, beauty salons, any type of repairs, service calls, remodeling, lighting systems, switch, receptacles, electrical services, new electrical equipment installation, wiring systems, RTU's wiring, conduit installation.

Angel Teran - 214-732-2192  

Teran Electric

Electric Baseboard or Wall Heater - Repair
Electrical Contractor Suppliers
Electrical Contractors - Commercial
Electrical Contractors - Residential
Electrical for Remodel or Addition - Install
and more...

1 Masters License 3 Journeyman licenses

Covers $300,0000

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Teran Electric. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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