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BeHome4Ever, Inc.  

841 Baker Drive - Haw River, NC 27258
BeHome4Ever, Inc. is a one stop care planning company passionate over the rights of disabled and older Americans to live in their homes or other care setting of choice as long as possible. Our Family First Approach and custom tools blend family concerns and care ideas, family care goals, home modification assessments, care services planning, monitoring systems and assistive technology to help you stay at work with peace of mind and avoid the high costs of out-of-home care facilities.

Thomas Lorenz - 336-578-5809  


Elder & Disability Care - Planners & Consultants
Home Automation System - Install or Service

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Take advantage of the free consultation to discuss your needs. Be honest about your needs, your loved one's needs, and how much you are willing to do yourself. I am willing to plan the care and train you to save you money. View their website. High hourly rates do not mean better. Ten letters behind the name does not mean better.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Care coordination, planning and management from full care plans to weekly check on loved ones to ensure their wellness.

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: I drive a Prius.

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: My area is from Greensboro to Raleigh. Your loved one is NOT “a case”. We will train you to manage and monitor your loved one’s care plan and help you find qualified medical and non-medical service providers. We will investigate social programs you may qualify for first, then for fee programs. We use Gerontology and Social Worker Degrees with home construction and technology backgrounds. In-depth construction and technology background and home modification assessments for safety, fall prevention, sensory impairment, motor skills loss, dementia specific solutions - all with itemized report based on cost and criticality. Technology friendly, use technology of all types (phone apps, computer, PERS, movement & biometrics monitoring, assistive technology devices) to facilitate highest degree of independence while lowering costs to family. No fear technology: Technology coaches and trainers, we will train you to use the technology! We will help you fall proof your loved one’s home, install technology, and perform safety rearrangements BEFORE a problem occurs. We will assist you with Medicare, Medicaid, VA Aid and Attendance Pensions and other social programs.

Q: What is your company best known for?
A: Comprehensive care planning.

Q: What separates your company from the competition?
A: We are a turn-key operation so the consumer does not have to spend alot of time searching for individuals that do each piece. There are three basic pieces: Home assessment and modification; Care planning and management; and Home technology. We do all three pieces as part of one overall plan. We are the only care management company that will train you to coordinate, plan, and manage your loved one's care. Most agencies want to sell care management hours. We want to sell independence and autonomy for the family and cared -for person. We also have computer care stations and care management software available for do-it-yourselfers. We love do-it-yourself people!

Q: Does your company offer a warranty or guarantee?
A: Manufacturers warranties on all software and hardware products. Our line of balance aides have lifetime warranties with replacement from the manufacturer.

Q: What questions do customers most frequently ask you? What is your answer?
A: Many families do not know where to start nor what questions to ask. I use the free consultation call to listen to the caller and their care issues. After discussing the kinds of things I can do for them I urge them to visit my website at whee I quite a bit of useful information and white paper downloads. Second: Why do I have to pay to have someone watch mom sleep. My answer, maybe you don't. Let's monitor and find out if mom is truly sleeping.

Q: Does your company offer discounts to senior citizens or veterans?
A: Everybody should be able to afford care management when they need it. I keep my rates well below all other agencies so that I can be afforded by the maximum number of people. If you are struggling to pay I will work with you.

Q: Is your company a member of any associations?
A: I am a professional member of the Aging Life Care Association which was formerly the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers. I try to keep my association membership minimal because they have significant dues that must be paid by my hourly rate.

Q: Tell us a little about your company.
A: BeHome4Ever, Inc. is a one stop care navigation and advocacy company that passionately believes in the rights of disabled and older Americans to live in their homes or other care setting of choice as long as possible. Our SPECIALTIES: 1) Working with family to determine care needs; 2) Economical strategies for seniors and families: with busy schedules needing help arranging care for a loved one at home alone needing resource search and navigation efforts to stretch financial resources with do-it-yourself in-home care plans, technologies, and medical equipment needing home modification and coaching for dementia including Alzheimer’s needing permanent home modification for accident & fall prevention, sensory and motor skills loss, age-in-place home planning needing facility or home care electronic monitoring technology to lower the cost of in-home care or simply verify that care has been delivered needing short term respite planning for care giver vacations needing emergency event and/or post-discharge transitional care planning needing post rehab short term care planning and temporary home modification needing distance care plans and advocacy for their loved ones in North Carolina

Q: Has your company received any awards?
A: No, we have not applied for any awards assessments.

Q: What forms of payment do you accept? (cash, check, credit cards, etc.)
A: Cash, credit cards, certified checks. Personal checks once I know a client.

Project Gallery  
Thomas M. Lorenz, Professional Care Manager

Tom Lorenz, Professional Care Manager, is the founder and owner of Be Home 4Ever, Inc. See I am a senior care planner, coordinator and technology coach that will help you plan your loved one’s care and find the services they need to live in a care setting of their choosing. I work independently with individuals and company employee assistance plans. I don't consider any task too big or too small. ?I understand the difficulties families face when suddenly presented with an unanticipated care situation. It often becomes an impossible task to balance work schedules, family needs, budgets, and after all of these considerations and a hard workday, there is still the difficulty of finding and interviewing service providers. I was inspired to create BeHome4Ever when my mother needed care and all of her children, including me, were located out of town. I recall looking in the phone book and seeing much of what she needed but not being able to find anyone we could trus
About Us Image
Tom took it upon himself to assist me in the care of my total care dependent mother in areas where I had no experience. I am truly grateful for Tom's help and support during a very trying time. Daniel H. – Graham, NC 27258 "In working with Tom I came to believe that he is very knowledgeable about not just his business but the people he serves. And it goes even beyond that to being a compassionate and caring person. I interviewed Tom on my radio program, The McCarthy Report, and he was an excellent guest. His voice is strong, his delivery sounds professional and he was prepared to the hilt. I do recommend Tom both as a professional business operator and as a great radio guest. I certainly plan to work with Tom more in the future." Tim McCarthy, Aging Better Broadcasting, 600AM KCOL
Tom took it upon himself to assist me in the care of my total care dependent mother in areas where I had no experience. I am truly grateful for Tom's help and support during a very trying time. Daniel H. – Graham, NC 27258 "In working with Tom I came to believe that he is very knowledgeable about not just his business but the people he serves. And it goes even beyond that to being a compassionate and caring person. I interviewed Tom on my radio program, The McCarthy Report, and he was an excellent guest. His voice is strong, his delivery sounds professional and he was prepared to the hilt. I do recommend Tom both as a professional business operator and as a great radio guest. I certainly plan to work with Tom more in the future." Tim McCarthy, Aging Better Broadcasting, 600AM KCOL
How We Charge For Our Services
Elder & Disability Care - Planners & Consultants
- $40.00 per hour
I send bills weekly and will work with families where logistics and other difficulties prevent weekly payments. Each bill comes with a description of the service provided for the elder or disabled person. I do take credit cards.

Home Automation System - Install or Service
- $60.00 per hour
I will provide a quote which includes devices and programming. Installation is either by the home owner or their contractor. I will consult with electrical companies as part of the quote. The per hour price above is for programming time.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by BeHome4Ever, Inc.. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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