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Success Enterprises  

160 Evergreen Avenue - Longwood, FL 32750
Provide hypnosis, life coaching, career coaching and resume writing services in the Orlando or Central Florida area.

Tracey Burchard - 407-335-7688  

Hypnotist, Life Coach, Career Coach

Coaching - Business & Executive
Coaching - Personal & Lifestyle
Employment & Career Counseling

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What type of service or business do you need?
(e.g. accountant, auto repair, lawn service, marketing consultant)
How We Charge For Our Services
Coaching - Business & Executive
- $100.00 per hour
I charge by the session, which lasts around an hour, though it may be a little longer for some. A session is $100.00

Coaching - Personal & Lifestyle
- $100.00 per hour
I charge $100 per session which lasts about an hour.

Employment & Career Counseling
- $100.00 per hour
I do a free phone consultation and resume review, then it's $100/session, about an hour, for job search coaching, interview training, career coaching, etc. I also do a package deal for $250 where I write or re-write your resume, optimize it for web submittals, provide a career coaching session and job search strategy plan.

- $100.00 per hour
- $100.00 per visit / by session
Hypnosis sessions are $100 and last about an hour.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Success Enterprises. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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