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11563 Willowood Ct. - Moorpark, CA 93021
We provide a "goof proof" weight management program - not a diet, that effectively and safely allows our clients to lose 2 to 5 lbs per week on average. This is achieved by following a simple guideline of eating 6 times per day which makes the program easy to adhere to since one does not typically get hungry. The goal is optimal health and that is achieved through active coaching which is part of the program. This is a "cost-neutral" program to keep in line with a normal food budget.

Paul Hanson - 805-529-7597  

C.O.P.E. - Certified Health Coach

Health & Wellness - Consultants

C.O.P.E. Certified Health Coach Center for Obesity Prevention & Education Villanova University College of Nursing

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Trimfeast - Predictable Transformation through Nutrition

We offer non-drug therapies designed to help people manage various disease entities such as Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, joint disease, and non-HRT menopause therapy for women. Rather than treating symptoms with drugs, our approach is to use nutritional intervention to target obesity and being overweight, the root causes of many of these diseases. In relation to weight loss, we offer a 2-phase approach: First, to help Clients safely and rapidly reach their healthy weight and then second, to teach them the skills, behaviors, and habits of health for long-term success. With our help, Clients are successful because they are taught how to maintain a healthy weight for life using our BeSlimĀ® lifestyle approach. Success rates are significantly higher when Clients work with a knowledgeable and caring coach rather than trying to do the program alone. Whether you want to lose weight, reduce cholesterol, manage diabetes or just learn to eat healthier, I can help coach you
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How We Charge For Our Services
Health & Wellness - Consultants
- $150.00 to $360.00 per month
- $55.00 to $91.25 per week
Our coaching services are provided free of charge with the purchase of our food products which are pre-paid and shipped directly to our clients.

Articles & Videos
The Effect of Abdominal Exercise on Abdominal Fat
What you put in your mouth is actually more important that how much you work out

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