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Whitney-Hall Studio  

13040 Cerise Ave Studioi-4 - Hawthorne, CA 90250
Whitney-Hall Studio is a full service art studio. Based at the Hawthorne Arts Complex, we specialize in custom murals of all sizes, fine arts and commissions, portraits, surreal, abstract and designer Arts.. we’ve been in business for 25 years serving Los Angeles and beyond with competitive pricing and always the highest quality.

Dawn Whitney-Hall - 310-955-0408  

Owner/head artist

Art Studios
Painting - Mural Painters
Painting - Trompe Loeil
Portrait Painting

City of El Segundo business

Carrier Gas Lamp insurance 1 million in liability

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Remember if you have an idea in mind but don’t see a photo from the portfolio that’s exactly your vision , don’t worry as every art piece is tailored to the individual patron

How We Charge For Our Services
Painting - Mural Painters
- $8.00 to $20.00 per square foot
Every job varies depending on several things: size, amount of detail, texture and condition of the wall, height from the ground, amount of ladder work , detailed lettering. Typically a pencil sletch is done outlining the basic concept and a fairly firm I’d can be garnered from that

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Whitney-Hall Studio. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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