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Aurum Home Technology  

3002 Walnut St - Denver, CO 80205
Unrivaled in design, engineering, installation, and support. We create integrated spaces in close collaboration with you and your design team to ensure that technology is never an afterthought. We stay with you through the life of your project and beyond. Aurum is dedicated to enhancing your life through technology, and will seamlessly integrate with the architecture and design of your home to create the ultimate level of comfort, convenience and luxury.

Ryan Rewitzer - 303-558-9050  

Alarm or Security System - Install
Alarm or Security System - Repair
Automation & Control Systems Engineers
Building Security & Emergency Systems
Home Automation System - Install or Service
and more...

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Aurum Home Technology. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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