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C & J Total Billing Solutions LLC  

9807 addelyn ave - Amarillo, TX 79119
We are a medical Billing and so much more company. We are able to increase revenue and mainstream a medical office. as well as help out with payment portal and marketing for other types of business.

Chandalynn Peterson - 806-367-7454  

Owner / President

Billing & Invoice Services
Medical Billing - Services
Medical Billing - Software
Medical Practice Consultants

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: We want to help medical providers succeed. If they are winning, we are winning. If you are needing help increasing revenue in your medical practice we want to help. We provide a FREE practice analysis to any business and we want to provide you with only the tools you need and want to help. We do not want to sell you anything that is not a need or a want.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Medical Billing and a cloud based, HIPAA compliant EHR system is our top service, but we also provided many other services that help out any medical and non medical business.

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: All of our software is cloud based. Which minimizes the amount of paper that is used. With our system medical providers will no longer have to keep paper records or need to store there old paper records. it will all be at their finger tips. Patients can also fill out there medical information for the providers online.

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: We are locally owned and operated but we can provide service to anyone all over the country.

Q: What is your company best known for?
A: Medical Billing

Q: What separates your company from the competition?
A: The average cost of an EHR system is ruffly about $60,000.00, and they charge for updates. Our company provides a system at a fraction of that cost and no extra charge for updates. We also provide free support

Q: Does your company offer a warranty or guarantee?
A: We guarantee that we can do all that we say we can or you don't need our service and we will not try to sell you what you do not need.

Q: What questions do customers most frequently ask you? What is your answer?
A: "How can you increase my revenue?" On average rejected claim rate is 30%. and some claims can take up to 120 days to get paid. With our system you can increase your approved claims for payment by 98%, and get the claims paid in less than two weeks.

Q: Does your company offer discounts to senior citizens or veterans?
A: This does not apply to our company.

Q: Describe a project or service that your company recently completed (include challenges, costs, and innovative solutions).
A: Although both my husband and I have experience in this business. We are new to owning our own business so this is not something that we have come across yet. As of now we are just looking for potential clients that we can help.

Q: Is your company a member of any associations?
A: not at this time

Q: Tell us a little about your company.
A: We provide many services that help out a medical provider by increasing their revenue and mainstreaming their office. We have a wonderful easy to use EMR System that helps providers code accurately and suggest help things for their patients. Our iClaim system checks insurance availability on the spot and fills out the patients information from the insurance company. Our patient portal allows patients to make payments, check in for their visits and fill out there information before they ever arrive. It also shows how long a patient has been waiting and which exam room they are in. We also have a system that stores patient files, prepares physicians for Audits, mails out cards, and so much more.

Q: Has your company received any awards?
A: Not yet! But one day... one day!!!

Q: What forms of payment do you accept? (cash, check, credit cards, etc.)
A: We accept all forms of payment.

Project Gallery  
C & J total Billing Solutions LLC

We are Certified Medical Revenue Managers. We help physicians increase revenue by bringing down their rejection claims to 2% and get them paid with in two weeks on most claims. We also mainstream the office so that he provider and his staff can spend more time with patients instead of paper work and phone calls.
About Us Image
How We Charge For Our Services
Billing & Invoice Services
- $5.00 to $10.00 per month
We will increase the physicians revenue for a small percentage.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by C & J Total Billing Solutions LLC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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