Questions & Answers
What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
Remember cost does not equal value. A poor appraisal at a low cost is not considered a good value. Go with experienced professionals. These are typically not the cheapest but they do provide a good value. Offering a detailed analysis with well-supported conclusions. One of these providers is Infinity Appraisal Group, LLC. In business since 2007 serving Southeast Florida.
What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
Residential Real Estate Appraisals for bankruptcy, divorce, estates, probate, tax appeal, pre-listing, pre-purchase, portfolio management, fix and flip. short sales and foreclosures.
How We Charge For Our Services
Real Estate Appraisers - Residential
- $250.00 to $350.00 fixed fee for a residential lot (less than 1 acre) - $300.00 to $550.00 fixed fee (single family home or condo) Fees are dictated by the complexity of the assignment and the scope of work required to produce a credible and well supported report and conclusions.
Real Estate Consultants
- $125.00 to $325.00 per hour Provide guidance on current market trends based on the client's area of interest.