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Via Giuseppe Timermans 12 - Turin, GA 30289
I work as a coach/consultant to individuals, small businesses and organizational systems. I'm an avid learner, an explorer who loves learning about successful living. My goal is to inspire people and organizations, I'm fascinated by the working of our minds and how we can create a successful life of our choosing. My web marketing skills traverse web analysis, web design, web development, user research, information architecture, and web publishing.

Andrea Casalegno - +39 338 3104052  


Advertising - Agencies
Advertising - Television
Business Directories & Guides - Internet
Coaching - Business & Executive
Coaching - Personal & Lifestyle
and more...

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by DIRECT INPUT OUTPUT di A.Casalegno. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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