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Green Origins Design Studio, Inc.  

1142 S. Diamond Bar Blvd. - Diamond Bar, CA 91765
I am a hardworking and dedicated Certified Interior Designer (CID.) It is a fun job, and I am passionate about what I do. I founded Green Origins Design Studio, Inc. to help guide our customers in creating their one-of-a-kind, functional, beautiful and sustainable residential and commercial interiors.
It brings me great joy every time I see how excited our customers get when they see their new interior through our 3D modeling for the first time. It was as if they suddenly see the light at t

Tina Wang - 9097134733  

Principal Designer

Bathroom Designers - Residential
Designer - Interior Lighting Plan
Designers - Drafters - CAD Drafting
Designers - Kitchens
Feng Shui - Designers
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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Green Origins Design Studio, Inc.. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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