
What horsepower sump pump is most commonly installed?

Top Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive (40% of 25 votes).
What horsepower sump pump is most commonly installed?
1/6 horsepower
1/3 horsepower
1/2 horsepower
It depends on the sump pump and the size of the home
It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Not sure

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Updated on February 05, 2018


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Explanation: The length of the flow has to go
Rose plumbing and septic
Answer: 1/3 horsepower
Explanation: The most commonly installed horsepower for a sump pump is typically 1/3 horsepower. This horsepower is sufficient for the majority of residential applications, providing adequate pumping capacity without being overly powerful or energy-intensive. However, the appropriate horsepower for a sump pump can vary depending on factors such as the size of the home, the amount of water the pump is expected to handle, and the specific requirements of the installation.
Construction Services & Repairs
Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Explanation: The horsepower is determinate by the demand.
TillUp, LLC
Answer: 1/3 horsepower
Explanation: Most people buy just basic one
JD all service plumbing
Answer: It depends upon the amount of water the pump is expected to receive
Explanation: It is different on all applications but on a regular installation the 1\3-1\2 horsepower.
All City Construction