
What is the most common reason a sump pump fails?

Top Answer: Switch malfunction (54% of 11 votes).
What is the most common reason a sump pump fails?
Power failure
Switch malfunction
Pump overloaded

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Updated on August 03, 2014


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Power failure
Explanation: The most common reason a sump pump fails is typically a power failure. When the pump relies on electricity and there's a power outage, it cannot operate, leaving the sump pit vulnerable to flooding. Therefore, it's essential to have a backup power source, such as a battery backup or generator, to ensure continuous operation during power outages.
Construction Services & Repairs
Answer: Switch malfunction
Explanation: I would say the most common issue with sump pumps would be the float switch that tells the pump to turn on when the water reaches a predetermined level and aslo tells the pump when to turn off. Typically an easy fix with ample access to the pump.
SDL Plumbing Inc.
Answer: Switch malfunction
Explanation: Switch failure is the number one cause of pump malfunction because of constant wear and tear. They do offer pumps with none moving floats that will last much longer.
Airtight Design Waterproofing
Answer: Age
Explanation: Because that are never seen you don't think about them until u see the water they pump out.
All City Construction